Cash Vs Future Markets
Cash Market
In Cash market stocks are traded,
where in the delivery of stock takes place. When we buy shares and take
delivery, we become shareholder of the company till we hold the shares.
Delivery will be done It is done on T+2 days. Full amount needs to be paid at
the time of buying shares in cash market. we can buy even single share of
company and in cash market we can buy shares and hold for life. When we are
shareholder of the company, we are entitled to receive dividend most of the
People buy shares in cash market for investment purpose
Future Market
In Future market is a place where
only future contracts are bought and sold at an agreed date(expiry) in the
future and at a predefined price. We can never be a shareholder when we trade
in Futures. No delivery takes place as the Future contract expires on
expiration date. Only margin money requires to be paid for initiating Future
contract. One must buy a minimum lot size which is already defined. Such as in
case of BANKNIFTY lot size is 40. In futures, we must settle the contract on
the expiration date i.e. maximum of 3 months. In future contract we are not entitle
for any dividend. Futures can be traded for Arbitrage, hedging.
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